~ Affirmations Have Evolved ~

Affirmations 2.0:

"How to use a unique and powerful discovery about the subconscious mind to maximize the power of your affirmations."

- Free Discovery Kit -

Amplify Your Affirmations

Unlock the secret to amplifying your affirmations. Our free Discovery Kit (value $47) will help you master a unique and powerful discovery about the subconscious to amplify your affirmations, making it easier to have the life that's most ideal for you.

Affirmations have evolved.

Everyone who has tried affirmations has experienced when they didn't work, only worked for small stuff, or "sometimes" worked.

What's worse is that many people give up on affirmations altogether because they can often remind us how much we DON'T have what we're trying to "affirm."

Thats because...

"Old-Style" Affirmations Are The Problem

YES, affirmations are SUPPOSED TO be something that your subconscious mind just "accepts" as your new reality.

The subconscious mind has been long known to have the power to both attract and repel experiences, both wanted and otherwise.

But if you've ever tried to do an old-style affirmation like this:

"I am wealthy..."

...while living paycheck to paycheck (or worse), you probably felt something called "subconscious resistance."

That's a nice way of your subconscious saying, "Who are you kidding?"

And along with that, all of the feelings of lack - lack of money, lack of ability to have any more - come and smack you in the face.

That is what I call the "old-style" type of affirmation.

If you are far enough from the result you want, you have all of the negative feelings coming up to show you that it's not true.

And it's hard to deal with.

So, that way of doing affirmations is why you might have given up on them, at least when trying to "affirm" the big stuff.

And many people, like you, have given up on them for the big stuff since the experience of being hit back by your feelings of "no way" is not sustainable.

And so the world has had to deal with this less-than-perfect tool.

Until today.

"New-Style" Affirmations Are The Solution

Enter "Inner Influencing" - a new methodology that uses a unique and powerful discovery about the subconscious mind to help transform their lives faster and easier than ever.

Inner Influencing is a secret way to bypass that subconscious resistance so it goes right to the core of where it can do the most good.

Imagine being able to transform every area of your life that you are unhappy with:

* Your romantic life - do you even have one?

* Your financial life - is it on "permanently stuck"?

* Your emotional state - are you confident? Or are you worried? Do you have peace? Or do you have stress and overwhelm?

* Do you have a creative path? Or do you have buried dreams?

* Are your goals list easy to check off? Or are you stuck, unable to climb any higher in life?

Admit it: If all those things were already perfect in your life, you wouldn't be trying affirmations, would you?

You would just be living your best life.

But fear not...

I've spent the past ten years perfecting a new kind of affirmation using the world's first "A.I. for the mind," and you would not believe what it could do!

Here's What It Did For These People:

Karen from the UK owned a cottage where a belligerent tenant refused to pay rent...

Karen was worried that going through the legal eviction process would have the tenant destroy the house in anger, as this tenant has demonstrated extreme instability.

But she was wanting to sell it as the market was at a market high, but the tenant wouldn't leave no matter how much Karen wanted her to.

Frustrated that she was going to lose it, she used this powerful discovery to target her subconscious blocks - "negative beliefs" - and was shocked that:

* Not only did the tenant suddenly leave, but...

* A buyer for her cottage suddenly appeared out of the blue before the cottage even went to market.

* The buyer even offered her more than fair market value, which made up for the loss in previous unpaid rent.

Sam from California was mentally and emotionally devastated after a 20-year marriage to an extreme narcissist...

He lost everything - including his peace - and ended up with C-PTSD.

After trying other methods to heal, he found this powerful discovery and after putting it to work, could function normally again.

The best part?

He found his dream lover without even doing anything but putting this discovery into play.

Jourdan from Florida was sure that he would fail his college finals...

This was his last year and it would prevent him from graduating.

He knew that he SHOULD be able to remember everything, but he could tell that "something inside him" would wreck his ability to do well.

He was nervous, and was afraid of not being able to answer one question corrently.

After using this unique and powerful discovery about the subconscious, he got A's on his final exams.

This Powerful Discovery

About Your Subconscious Mind

Is Waiting For You...

As mentioned, this unique and powerful discovery is called "Inner Influencing".

You can start using it right now with our free Discovery Kit (value $47).

In this one-of-a-kind program, you will learn:

* What this discovery is and how to put it to work in the parts of your life that aren't working.

* How to use it to reduce intense emotions, like Anxiety, Stress, Overwhelm, Worry, Fear, and Panic.

* How to improve your self-worth.

* How to end the need for approval.

* How to start erasing your success blocks.

* How to improve your relationships

* How to unblock from increased financial success

And much more...

Finally, a way to do affirmations that works more often.

- Free Discovery Kit -

Amplify Your Affirmations

Unlock the secret to amplifying your affirmations.

Our free Discovery Kit (value $47) will help you master a unique and powerful discovery about the subconscious to power up your affirmations, making it easier to have the life that's most ideal for you.