~ Manifest More For 2024 ~

Multiply Your Manifesting Power With This Unique And Powerful Discovery About the Subconscious Mind

This 10-second technique uses a unique and powerful discovery about the subconscious to help you:

Eliminate Your Biggest Fears

Achieve Your Greatest Goals

Free Discovery Kit (value $47)

Paul Greblick

Creator of Inner Influencing

Are you ready to go from random results, a victim of circumstance, and "manifesting" a life you don't want to where you're the one in charge of how far, how fast you go from this point on?

For the past ten years, I've been teaching people how to use a secret new technique that I learned from a now retired licensed psychologist who left the world of "traditional" techniques to help uncover one of the greatest discoveries of our time.

I took his discoveries and acted like "Maverick" in the Top Gun movies to see how far they could go.

And "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" doesn't apply here, because I wouldn't have believed it either!

After doing the techniques you're about to learn, I went from being homeless, "sleeping" in a Tropical Storm - and in a dog park, nonetheless - to where I was given two homes, filled with food, and no, I didn't have to share them. 😉

I have had so much "manifest" using this special new way of interacting with the Subconscious Mind that my "before" life now seems foreign to me.

You see...

It's been known for many decades (and proven with processes like hypnotherapy) that the Subconscious Mind is our "ruler", a "lord and master" of sorts.

And did you know that this "ruler" is in charge of how much you can do, be, and have? Or even how little?

And the Subconscious Mind seems to also have a pretty strong "grip" on how easy or difficult it is to get and maintain those things.

I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea AT ALL of something inside me being in charge of how things are on the outside.

Do you want to be restricted in how much YOU can do, be, and have?

Do you want limited finances, love, and even emotional peace?

That night at the dog park, in the Tropical Storm, rain got sideways and hitting me in the face, I made a decision...

"I'm going to see how far this new way to interact with the subconscious can go..."

I was already in the worst possible situation, so I'm sure you would try it also!

And since then, I've "manifested" many things beyond what I thought was even possible, but there's a reason that I put the word "manifesting" in quotation marks...

In all of my experimenting with this new and potent discovery - where I feel like a test pilot for the rest of humanity - I started to notice two simple principles that no one had ever articulated before:

1) I wasn't actually "manifesting" anything that occurred...

2) I STOPPED manifesting the wrong life!

I have over 30 years experience with alternative and holistic therapies, including some of the well-known techniques like visualizing, etc.

This "new way" to access the subconscious mind - which takes only 10 seconds and NO "altered state" (like hypnotherapy) - was showing me that every human on the planet is...

Are you ready for this?


In essence, if you're trying hard to change your life - what you don't like to what you do - then this new ten second technique is your new best friend!

I'm going to give you a gift that I wish I had when I first stated testing to see how far this new technique could go.

It took me 10+ years to perfect the new "science of personal transformation", but I'm pretty sure that if you follow the steps that I'm going to show you, I'm going to hear about your own success stories like these early adopters:

* Lisa stopped manifesting abusive relationships that left her broke and alone, and using the methods I teach, manifested a new home, a new sense of worth, and upgraded her career with much higher commissions (she was a real estate agent).

* Jimmy was 23 and worried that he was going to flunk his college finals. "I'm not sure I'll even get a C," he told me, asking if I would coach him personally. (He ended up getting A's.) And he grew his confidence a whole bunch, too.

* Sam & Kelly both ended up with $300k+ (each) after putting the principles to work that I taught them...

Why just manifest money? Or love?

I'm not going to tell you that "money won't solve your problems". I was both homeless and foodless once!

I'm aware of the good it can do.

But I want you to be totally honest with yourself...

Are you trying to manifest a lot of money to hide it in a drawer?


But think further than, "I'm going to buy..." because those things that you want to BUY are probably things that will give you something ELSE that you probably think is too impossible to manifest directly!

For example, if you want money for more time to do what you want, then you REALLY are trying to manifest FREEDOM.

If you want money for more things to show off to people - more clothes, cars, etc - then what you REALLY are trying to manifest is acceptance and approval.

If you want more money because then you don't have to be so busy during your days, then you might be REALLY wanting to manifest PEACE.

And let's be honest, are you really trying to manifest "love"? Or are you instead trying to manifest acceptance AND security?

(And trying to get rid of your loneliness?)

I'm going to lay it out for you right here, right now:

You can take forever, IF YOU WANT TO, trying to manifest those "twice removed" things, OR...

You can follow the path that I took, with this new "manifesting multiplier" to start moving towards a life that you REALLY want, more easily and effortlessly than you might think possible.

I don't want you to get depressed when you learn that a shocking number of lottery winners go broke within three to five years.

And so why would you manifest all of that money just to have to deal with your "inner" self - your Subconscious Mind - that might be holding it back from you in the first place!

So in order for you to keep what you manifest, and start manifesting "bigger and faster" (and easier), I want you to save the time and trouble that it took me years to perfect.

I'm going to give you my free Discovery Kit - just by putting your email and first name below.

I'm not going to charge you the $47 like I do everyone else.

Really give this a workout to see what difference it can make for your life to be better, or at least easier, if you're already at the top of your game.

But if you're not where you want to be, the best decision you might ever make is to learn how your subconscious mind can stop you from manifesting your ideal life right now.

I have laid out everything in a road map to help you get from where you are now to a life of effortless manifesting.

Multiply Your Manifesting

Unlock the Secret to "manifesting" your ideal life by stopping manifesting the one you don't want. Our Discovery Kit will help you to multiply your manifesting by making it more and more effortless to naturally have the life that's best for you.